Thursday, January 28, 2010

Yesterday I didn't eat hardly anything so I didn't post. There are just those days sometimes where you really don't feel like eating. That was my day, I had like 2 small meals :/ Anyways, who else has been watching The Biggest Loser? They totally inspire me by how much weight they are loosing in one week. Granted they have a personal trainer and access to a gym 24/7... but still with determination I know I can see results like that too. Today we went to the store and got lots of fresh fruits and vegitables and we haven't bought pop in weeks I am so proud!

Today's diet:
Carnation Instant Breakfast
My Vitamins
34 oz Waterbottle with propel packet
Lunch- Whole Wheat Pita Tacos

Dessert- 100 calorie Rice Crispie Treat


Rules I am going to try to stick to:
NO WHITE FOOD- Avoid Starches, potatoes, white bread.
NO POP- Stick to Propel Water and Crystal Light instead!
NO UNHEALTHY SNACKS- Stick to grabbing fruit or a granola when hungry.
DO NOT EAT WHILE WATCHING TV- Instead drink your water!
CUT OUT ALL FRIED FOODS- Do not get fast food it's so awful for you.

Work out 4 times a week- Cardio and Resistance
My work out videos- Hip Hop Abs & Pilates video
Do Crunches & Dance Dance Revolution

I have alot riding on getting healthier & thinner... Not only for my own personal gain. But to help inspire my friends and mommy friends on the What to Expect Board. Me and my friend Rachel right now are competing on who can loose 20lbs first the healthy way. Which is helping me keep accountable, my friend J.d. and I are trying to be mutually accountable, and my friend Tiffani from the WTE board has really helped me keep on track as well she has been so supportive of me. And I just wanted to say thank you to everyone =]

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Today's food journal:
34 oz Waterbottle w/propel packet
Breakfast:6 am-Carnation Instant Breakfast

11:00 am- 2 hydroxycut & my vitamins

11:30- Small bowl of plain Special K cereal

3:30- 100 calorie granola bar

5:00 pizza oops couldn't resist!

34 oz Waterbottle

10:00 pm- Ramen Noodles


Monday, January 25, 2010

Today I got a spray tan 0.0

Ok today so far all I have eaten was Arby's because we were out and about :/ Not so great with the diet... But I went out and got myself a spray tan because the whole summer I was pregnant with Keagan I got no sunlight what so ever. And I really think it has helped my self esteem because it helps to disguise my stretch marks and I don't look so pasty anymore. Compare what my belly looks like yesterday vs. today .... to me it is a world of a difference and my camera doesn't take the best pics so it doesn't do it's full justice.

I will post more pictures later tomorrow. It takes 8 hours to totally soak in and then you have to take a shower and you are supposed to look bronzed. 6 more hours for me to wait, I am pleased with how my body looks so far, but my face looks like a Mexican haha. I was trying to give myself a makeover, I dyed my hair and got a tan so I can't wait for you all to see what I look like. Also I will post what I eat for the rest of the day since I said I was going to start posting my food journal online.
OK so I just washed the stuff off and I look great, I no longer look like a mexican. And for the rest of the day I only ate some chicken and some radishes as a snack.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Week 2 Checkpoint

First off I would like to thank all of you who have cared enough to read my blog. And I apologize to my readers for not posting on Friday. I hate to make excuses but I just forgot to post an update. And I will try my best not to let it happen again. This week I have been trying to focus on my diet more than exercise, because I am on my period and I am already so crampy and bloated so I didn't want to overdo it and kill my tummy. So no more hip hop abs until my cycle is over. Anyway, I have never been good at drinking the amount of water you are supposed to in a day. But I have been mixing in some Propel Fit Powder water mix with vitamins. And for one 34 oz waterbottle which is pretty huge by the way, it has 8 grams of sugar. It is tasty, it helps me get my water in and I am less likely to cheat and want pop. Because I vary it up and have 2 different flavors Raspberry Lemonade or Kiwi-Strawberry. No I am not trying to be a walking billboard, I just really like sharing what works for me. And when I have felt like cheating and having something sweet I made a healthier option of a dessert . Bananas with a handful of chocolate chips... if you don't reward yourself you are more likely to breakdown from a sweetooth and give into a candy bar or something.
Ok on to my stats this week...
Week 1: 195 lbs.
Week 2: 194 lbs.
THIS WEEK: It has been rough because my weight keeps fluctuating from 194-191 lbs. but right now I am 194 still so it seems like no progress, but I am proud to have kept that 1 lb off.

Last Week:
Biceps:14 inches
Bust: 38 inches
Waist: 37 inches
Hips:40 inches
Butt: 44 1/2 inches
Thighs: 22 1/2 inches

Biceps:14 1/2 inches -Which is good because I have been working them out to gain more muscle
Bust: 37 1/2 inches- Yay lost a half inch
Waist: 35 inches- YAY lost 2 whole inches!
Hips:40 inches- Stayed the same :/
Butt: 44 1/2 inches- Stayed the same :/
Thighs: 25- UGH yeah... not good

So as we can see I made some good progress with my waist and bust .... but my lower half has always been my problem area. But even if I don't loose my butt, I have come to the reality that I have always been a bigger girl down there, this lifestyle change is so that I can loose my baby belly and I am well on my way to accomplishing it. Here is what my stomach looked like in the beginning and what it looks like this week, I can already see the difference. Can you?

I must say even though I am still grossed out by the sight of my stomach, and it is taking so much courage for me to share these pictures with you guys. It is helping me see that I am actually making a difference :) And starting tomorrow I will be posting everyday to keep my food/exercise journal online so I can be more accountable and stick to it!

Friday, January 15, 2010


So far it has been 1 week since last Friday when I weighed myself. And gosh darn it, I've hardly made any progress at all... I lost 1 pound :( It's discouraging, but I know that this upcoming week I will just have to try to be stricter about my diet and exercise more . I am jealous because David has been working out for a week as well and already has lost weight and shaped up dramatically in this short time. It makes me crazy, but it will push me that much harder to reach my goal.

Week 1:Friday January 8, 2010
Weight: 195

Week 2: Friday January 15, 2010
Weight: 194

I want to start this week measuring my biceps, bust, waist, hips, butt and thighs.

Biceps:14 inches
Bust: 38 inches
Waist: 37 inches
Hips:40 inches
Butt: 44 1/2 inches
Thighs: 22 1/2 inches

I'm on a lot of vitamins like Vitamin D, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Ginko Biloba, Fish Oil and a multi vitamin that I take everyday. Plus I have been drinking more water, been taking hydroxicut consistently and now I am also doing the workout mode on Dance Dance Revolution and doing lifting a 5lb weight on my arms and doing reps. And trying to supplement two meals a day with Special K cereal. It's pretty hard and I could be doing more but right now this is what I am doing and I hope to see some results, relatively soon:]

Monday, January 11, 2010


My name is Jenny and I just had a baby on November 22nd, 2009. I am 7 weeks postpartum as of yesterday. I gained a lot of weight during my pregnancy, because I never watched what I ate. Honestly, it's hard enough carrying a baby not to mention counting calories while doing so. This blog is to mark my personal progress of getting back in shape. I used to do some modeling before I got pregnant; I am 19 years old and six feet tall.

pre pregnancy - 9 months pregnant- postnatal (current)


As you can see pregnancy can totally wreck a woman's body with the damage it does. My baby was worth it all, but now that he is here and I am recovered, I want to work out and slim my tummy back down. I used to have a stomach that I was proud of, and now I have a serious muffin top and repulsive stretch marks. I also weigh more than I have ever weighed in my life, so I am determined to loose at least 50lbs. I weigh 195lbs right now, and my ideal weight is to get back down to 135. I am going to weigh in every Friday and report on here and take another picture each week so we can visibly see the changes that my body will hopefully undergo. I understand it will take alot of self discipline, and I am going to put everything I got into it. I am on a diet now, keeping a food journal. I am drinking lots of water, taking Hydroxi Cut and lots of vitamins. I also am working out everyday. I am mainly doing cardio right now. It may sound silly but I am doing the video "Hip Hop Abs" workout. It is a fun, but intense workout, seriously.It focuses on your core obviously, but it works your whole body out, it drenches me in sweat every time. And for the outer appearance of my stretch marks I am applying Bio Oil, Nivea firming cream and Palmers on 2 times each a day and already it has lightened my stretch marks so hopefully it will continue to work well for me. With this diet, exercise, diet pills, vitamins and creams I really believe at very least I will be/ look healthier in 8 weeks. I will go on as long as it takes for me to reach my goal, and this blog is here to help document my personal journey.